Samindo Resources Coal Production 2018 amounted to 10.7 million tons

PT Samindo Resources Tbk (MYOH) raised its overburden removal volume target by 54.5 million bank cubic meters (BCM) with a coal getting growth rate of 10.7 million tons of coal.

Increase Target MYOH overburden removal This year rose about 13.5% when compared to the previous year of 48 million BCM. Meanwhile, MYOH's coal production of 10.7 million tons in 2018 rose slightly from the target and the realization of 2017 at 10 million tons.

"In the third quarter of 2017, MYOH successfully booked net profit of US $ 8.63 million or decreased 44.92% over the same period last year of US $ 15.67 million," said Ahmad Zaki, Investor Relation of PT Samindo Resources Tbk

As for the 2018 capex, MYOH raised its capital expenditure by 300% to US $ 13.8 million.

In this capacity increase in 2018, MYOH will continue to utilize several subsidiaries of MYOH, namely PT SIMS Jaya Kaltim (overburden removal and coal getting), PT Samindo Utama Kaltim (coal hauling), PT Trasindo Murni Perkasa (coal hauling) and PT Mintec Abadi (exploration drilling).