Zero Work Accidents, Samindo Resources Focuses on Increasing Performance

PT Samindo Resources Tbk (MYOH), the issuer of a medium-scale integrated coal mining service provider, won a zero work accident award from the Ministry of Manpower. The award was achieved through two subsidiaries of the company responsible for coal hauling activities, namely PT Samindo Utama Kaltim and PT Trasindo Murni Perkasa.

"Coal transportation activities are one of the three main activities of Samindo Resources which contribute up to 30% of the company's consolidated revenue," said Ahmad Zaki Natsir, investor relations at PT Samindo Resources Tbk, in a written statement received by Dunia-Energi, Friday (9/28). )

Based on the award awarded by the Ministry of Manpower, Samindo Utama and Trasindo recorded zero work accidents from the period January 2015 to December 2017 with a total working hours of more than 2.4 million hours of work during that period. This is a very good achievement, given the high risk of workplace accidents in coal transportation activities at the PT Kideco Jaya Agung mine which is the main client of Samindo Utama and Trasindo.

According to Zaki, since the beginning of 2018 Samindo has focused on efficiency, especially in operational activities. One aspect that is the focus of the company is increasing the supervision of speed limits on coal transportation activities. "Weak monitoring of speed limits has the potential to trigger accidents and also accelerate the destruction of some hauling truck component parts," he said.

Coal transportation activities carried out by the two subsidiaries are carried out for 40 km from stock piles to ports 24 hours a day. The route that is traversed consists in part of winding slopes and derivatives.

"Weak discipline in controlling speed will certainly make it difficult for hauling truck drivers to maneuver in an emergency. Especially during rainy conditions and in dark conditions or at night, "Zaki said.

The occurrence of work accidents along the hauling road is the only thing that is greatly avoided in coal hauling activities. This will automatically hamper coal  shipments, especially if an accident closes part or all of the road. Automatically all coal shipping activities will stop for a while.

"Aside from the cessation of operational activities, units that have accidents certainly need repairs that will reduce the operational time of the unit. Especially if there is a component damage resulting from the accident so that there are additional costs incurred, "he said.

Samindo Resources' success in improving speed control is also evident from the decline in inventory turnover ratios in recent years. Previously, tire changes took place every four months, after increased control  the average speed of tire change occurred every six months. Something similar also happens to some components, especially the brake and transmission components.

In addition, Zaki added, the company also actively improves the quality of hauling truck drivers by conducting driving simulation tests. Through the test you can see drivers who have driving patterns that have the potential to cause workplace accidents. "Periodic driving tests are conducted for all drivers, especially new drivers are required to pass the driving test using driving simulations," he said.

An additional factor that is also quite influential on work safety is the hauling road condition. The high frequency of hauling trucks with heavy loads will naturally reduce the quality of hauling roads. Therefore, Samindo Utama and Trasindo periodically monitor hauling roads and provide information to drivers on locations that have the potential to cause accidents.

Mining activities tend to have high work risks, therefore we always pay attention to every aspect of operational activities, especially aspects of work safety. "We always strive to create sustainable mining activities, we will not prioritize momentary productivity but sacrifice the sustainability of future activities," Zaki explained.